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On some occasions, teams will open up their groups to community members. If you would be interested in joining a team on their mission, please fill in the expression of interest form below. 


This expression of interest form is open for you to fill in for your intention for the next couple of years. If we receive enough interest to run a trip them we will organise a team of our own. 


Another option is to form your own team. This could be made up of a group of friends, church members, school, organisation, community group etc. We will then help you to make all your arrangements and guide you through the process of installing a library.

Why Vanuatu 

Vanuatu is a small friendly country in the South Pacific less than 3 hours flight from Brisbane. In 2015, Vanuatu was placed on the bottom of the list of South Pacific countries for literacy and numeracy. The government and many other stakeholders have identified the lack of resources as the key factor causing the result. 

Many ni-Vanuatu schools, especially the rural schools, have extremely limited resources and little or no reading books or reference books. Children rely on the knowledge of their teach for all their learning. 

It is also a very safe, stable and welcoming country. Being our close neighbours it is also economically viable to travel and give to their communities. 

Why team with The Library Project

In partnering with The Library Project Vanuatu, we will take you through the process of running a trip to Vanuatu step by step. We will help you as much or as little as you need. 

We can provide;

  • Access to The Library Project online manual that has all the documents and procedures needed for planning a trip

  • All documents and forms we have created

  • Meetings - we are able to meet with you at any stage of your journey to help with planning and organisation

  • Information nights - we make ourselves available to come to your information nights to provide any information or support that is needed

  • Advertisements and support for events

  • Invitations to our group fundraisers to help you raise your funds

  • Contacts for flights, accomodation, transport etc

  • Local guides in Vanuatu (as needed/available)

  • Access to equipment and resources that we own in Vanuatu

  • A guide for your trip (as needed)

In addition to this, a member of The Library Project Team will have made contact with a needy school that is requesting a library and will have their agreement to your host team. 

If you are interested in forming a team or what to know more about how to get a team together, please contact us and we will arrange to meet with you. 

The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page. 

​Our mission - can you help?

Over 50 libraries installed so far

312 libraries remaining

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